回复 18# 秉风 的帖子
我也喜欢你哈~:smile7taobao: 相当不错的女孩,加油~你是最棒的~回复 22# 杰西卡水晶 的帖子
嘿嘿,谢谢你咯。你也很棒哈~ 刷墙辛苦了哈!:smile1taobao: :smile3taobao: 小顽固:smile2taobao: :smile6taobao: hey,好久不见!~~~~~多去社会撒~~
回复 26# 默数 的帖子
qie~~~becauzifind that i can't find the sougou pinyin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ok.....U should come to baibuting to see me......Or Ur a no heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U should know i have class in SATURDAY afternoonsaaaaaaaaaaaa.
:tao39bao :tao39bao :tao39bao :tao39bao :tao39bao
another: im Elaine.............
i cant change myID for i cant find sougou pinyin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok,i find that i make sooooo many grammar mistakes......wuwuwuwuwuuwuwu:tao37bao
回复 28# 袭影 的帖子
:tao17bao 考托继续加油呀~~~:tao21bao 少吹空调,保持好嗓子,想聆听你那美妙的歌声啊。 原帖由 袭影 于 2011-8-19 16:05 发表 http://www.whyigong.com/bbs/images/common/back.gifqie~~~becauzifind that i can't find the sougou pinyin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok.....U should come to baibuting to see me......Or Ur a no heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U should know i have class ...
OMG,i just saw it,:tao39bao :tao39bao :tao39bao whygave me thismany breaking hearts!!!!!,soooooo sad,hahaha,still cant take it(you R gonna be the team leader of baibuting,OH no!:tao8bao
回复 32# 默数 的帖子
breaking????i think it should be broken.....this????or these........ai~~
hiahia~~U must envy me~hiahia~~ ok撒~冒得问题
回复 30# 烟雨中 的帖子
回复 25# 永恒的十三月 的帖子
本来就是。。。。。。 原帖由 伊莱恩 于 2011-8-29 19:55 发表 http://www.whyigong.com/bbs/images/common/back.gifbreaking????i think it should be broken.....
this????or these........ai~~
hiahia~~U must envy me~hiahia~~
oh,yes,but "this" is right i guess,kinda hate english now,haha,wanna speak "alienese",(meahuifagi shgiufgbiu sgbiuprn wghiupfan giagfep)
am really from Pandora,woohoo~~~@.@
回复 37# 默数 的帖子
thiss really a good place to spk english,right?o ha ha,no matter sa...
your alienese needs an alternation,,,,,so that the COUPLE TAN will kiss in public......hiahia
U know that....ni dong de.
Ms Pandora,hope U give the doltish alien a complete change.......i die to see the significant, magnificent, paramount, momentous, crucial, vital, provital, resplendent KISS!!!
forgive me becauz of the suffering from the Toefl test!bless!
[ 本帖最后由 伊莱恩 于 2011-8-30 16:43 编辑 ] 你们俩这是闹哪样。。。。。。。。。大饼,哥保佑你托福100然后请肯德基请电影哈~
回复 39# 烟雨中 的帖子